Sunday 12 May 2024

Week at a glance


Soldering Circuits

Thursday - Circuit and Programing Test


Work week - Should be working to finish PR/EX projects for Elt 2140 & ELT Project B

By the end of Thursday you should make sure your e-portfolio is up to date.

Tuesday 7 May 2024

Common Drive Base Sketch for Design


Common Drive Base Sketch for Design 

Template for rest of design

YOUnited day ideas

 With the success of YOUnited time the school would like to run a full YOUnited day.

For this to run we will probably need a lot of ideas and volunteers.

For initial planning proposal we are possibly looking at students going to a space and having choice. At the space you could have 2 classes, 3 classes, or 4 classes


LC - 4 classes - 8 stations
  1. henna
  2. buttons
  3. karaoke
  4. coloring
  5. STEM - highest marshmallow structure
  6. Funny photo booth
  7. board games
  8. knitting
Wall open community - 3 classes -  6 stations
  1. Cards
  2. STEM - Straw Structurer challenge
  3. TickToc  dance challenge
  4. Comics
  5. Painting
  6. bottle flipping challenge
Wall closed community - 4 classes - 4 stations

  1. Speaker
  2. video playing cartoons
  3. quiet room
  4. STEM - furthest paper room

Thursday after school I will have a quick meeting to sort through and look at all of this if you want to help or come brainstorm you are welcome to come.



Sunday 5 May 2024

Saturday 4 May 2024

Week at a Glance

 Potential Project - Animatronics:


How to map a servo:

  • PR Arduino Circuits
    • Remember you must be done basic before you start these
    • Challenge #1
      • Create a system where an RGB LED can become selectable. The colour of the RGB should change depending on where the potentiometer is. That means that when the pot is in one area it should make the RGB become red, when at another area green etc...
    • Challenge #2
      • Create a board that has a push button activated series of devices. Once the push button is pressed the leds should turn on in order and then should move the servo (as if unlocking a door). If the button is released, the system should reset itself.
    • Remember to use the projects you have completed (code & circuits) as they can help
    • Remember to use the Arduino library 
  • Ex Arduino Circuits
    • Remember you can propose something of equal complexity if you whish
Thursday Health and Safety quiz:
